Recognition and Honors for Outstanding Service Scottish Rite is a volunteer organization. And like all organizations it is at its best when each member contributes his time and talents as best he is able. Some men are out front in leadership roles. Others serve in secondary roles, knowing the importance of being part of an ensemble and working together toward a common goal. Still others choose to work in the background — behind the scenes — taking their “applause” from their own inner-self and confident that the job they do has been “well done.” Those who serve all know this truth: That “honor is above rank and title and is self-earned. The unerring and unfailing reward of true Masonry.”
33rd Degree
The Deputy for the State of Wisconsin selects, and the Supreme Council of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction confers the 33° only on a limited number of 32° Scottish Rite Masons who have performed outstanding service within Scottish Rite or the Masonic fraternity, or who have given exceptional service in some other field of endeavor. These men wear the White Cap which distinguishes them as Sovereign Grand Inspectors-General, 33° and Honorary Members of the Supreme Council. In the Valley of Green Bay, portraits of those who have been coroneted as 33° Masons hang on the wall in the main lobby of the NEW Masonic Center.
To see our list of 33° recipients visit: https://scottishrite-greenbay.com/honors/33rd-degree-recipients/
Meritorious Service Award
Each year, our Valley’s four Top officers recommend the honor of the Meritorious Service Award by Wisconsin’s Council of Deliberation, in recognition of a 32° Mason’s distinguished service in Scottish Rite Masonry. These men are honored with the Red Cap in token of that recognition, and their likeness is prominently displayed on the wall in the dining room between the library and the office of the Secretary of the Valley of Green Bay on the lower level of the NEW Masonic Center.
To see our list of MSA recipients visit: https://scottishrite-greenbay.com/honors/msa-recipients/
Hall of Fame Award
The Director of Work honors those who perform and otherwise stage our degrees…the casts and crews…with selection into the Valley of Green Bay’s “Hall Of Fame.” These names are engraved for all to see as they enter the Gettleman Auditorium in the Northeast Wisconsin Masonic Center.
To see our list of Hall of Fame Award recipients visit: https://scottishrite-greenbay.com/honors/hall-of-fame-award-recipients/