Within every well maintained organization, silently behind the scenes, there is a group of dedicated individuals working diligently to ensure success. The more effective they are – the less observable they become. This page exists to recognize and say “thank you” to those within the Valley of Green Bay who relentlessly provide for its continuing existence.
Edward "Rusty" Mitchell
Lodge of Perfection: Thrice Potent Master - 32nd Degree
Charles Clerage
Council Princes of Jerusalem - Sovereign Prince - 32nd Degree
Mitchell T. Devroy
Chapter of Rose Croix - Most Wise Master - 32nd Degree
Blaise Krautkramer
Consistory - Commander in Chief - 32nd degree
Bradley A Ottum
Valley Treasurer - 33rd Degree MSA
Leland Burlison
Valley Secretary - 32nd Degree MSA
Chris "Skipper" Young
Deputy's Representative
Dennis Korth
Valley Trustee - 32nd Degree
Robert Dodson
Valley Trustee - 32nd Degree
Nick Brosig
Valley Trustee - 32nd Degree
Thomas S Pinney Jr.
Perpetual Membership Trustee - 33rd Degree MSA
Perpetual Membership Trustee - 33rd Degree
Bradley A Ottum
Perpetual Membership Trustee - 33rd Degree MSA