On Wednesday, July 15th an installation of officers ceremony was held at the N.E.W. Masonic Center. These officers that were installed:
Ross J. Chapman (Thrice Potent Master), Donald R. Kerr (Deputy Master), Donald F. Kiernan (Sovereign Prince), Lee Burlison (High Priest),
Dennis J. Dal Santo (Most Wise Master), Christopher J. Young (Senior Warden), Moses H. Adams III (Commander-in-Chief),
Craig J. Cloutier (1st Lt. Commander), Gerald S. Brebner (Secretary), Dennis H. Pauli (Treasurer), Dennis M. Korth (Valley Trustee),
William B. Dresser, (Perpetual Plan Trustee), D. Eugene Badgley (Valley Trustee).
Presiding Officers for 2009-2010
Moses H. Adams III (Commander-in-Chief), Dennis J. Dal Santo, Most Wise Master
Donald F. Kiernan (Sovereign Prince) and Ross J. Chapman (Thrice Potent Master).
Past officer jewels presented to Roger C. Lindow and Harold C. Peterson